Wednesday, December 1, 2010

All day craft day

I had the whole day off so I got to work, which wasn't really work, because crafting is one of my favorite things to do. I finished the Big PROJECT I have been working on for about 2 months! For being such a big project, it turned out a little small...smaller than I expected.

This is yet ANOTHER baby blanket I made for Greyson, for a Christmas present. I got the pattern out of the book that I originally used to teach myself to crochet The Easy Learn To Crochet In Just One Day. It is, by far, the biggest thing to date that I have crocheted. The one thing I regret is that the colors I picked don't make it look like a baby blanket, the combination is not cutesy enough. And that it is ultra tiny. Oh well, if it had been much bigger I might have given up on it, because blankets take forever, especially when you are using a small hook and a single crochet. I think this is the first and last blanket I will be making for a while, but it was a great learning experience. 

I am so glad this one is done, I still have a lot more projects I want to make for Christmas presents. Even though I got a lot of crafting done today, it feels like I have been such a slug. I suppose it is because crafting often forces you to sit still for hours. Plus I had the TV on to entertain me while I crafted. Nothing like the old tube to make you feel like a slug. I tried to kick the feeling by doing some dish washing, but the satisfaction was short lived. I bought the first season of "The Vampire Diaries" on black Friday for $12 and watched a few episodes today. I hadn't seen much of it before I bought it; it was recommended to me. Quite dramatic I must say, I definitely want to see where this show is going.