Wednesday, December 1, 2010

All day craft day

I had the whole day off so I got to work, which wasn't really work, because crafting is one of my favorite things to do. I finished the Big PROJECT I have been working on for about 2 months! For being such a big project, it turned out a little small...smaller than I expected.

This is yet ANOTHER baby blanket I made for Greyson, for a Christmas present. I got the pattern out of the book that I originally used to teach myself to crochet The Easy Learn To Crochet In Just One Day. It is, by far, the biggest thing to date that I have crocheted. The one thing I regret is that the colors I picked don't make it look like a baby blanket, the combination is not cutesy enough. And that it is ultra tiny. Oh well, if it had been much bigger I might have given up on it, because blankets take forever, especially when you are using a small hook and a single crochet. I think this is the first and last blanket I will be making for a while, but it was a great learning experience. 

I am so glad this one is done, I still have a lot more projects I want to make for Christmas presents. Even though I got a lot of crafting done today, it feels like I have been such a slug. I suppose it is because crafting often forces you to sit still for hours. Plus I had the TV on to entertain me while I crafted. Nothing like the old tube to make you feel like a slug. I tried to kick the feeling by doing some dish washing, but the satisfaction was short lived. I bought the first season of "The Vampire Diaries" on black Friday for $12 and watched a few episodes today. I hadn't seen much of it before I bought it; it was recommended to me. Quite dramatic I must say, I definitely want to see where this show is going.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Denver and Back Again

I haven't written in a while. I am actually a little tired, and wouldn't be blogging right now if it weren't that I have been wrapping up some of my projects and don't want to get behind. This month has been pretty eventful. Lots of exciting stuff going on. Earlier this month I got to go to Denver with my parents to visit my brother's family and see his new baby. We had a great time, I even had a little spare time to crochet a hat for their daughter Alisen. 

It turned out pretty good, but I couldn't get Alisen to put it on, so I am not too sure if it fits right. Maybe I should have just sneaked up behind her, I am pretty sure 2 year olds can't hold grudges for disobeying their will. The trip was so much fun, we went to a restaurant named Casa Bonita, which I found out later, was featured on the show South Park. Also did a lot of shopping with my mom and went to the movie "Unstoppable" with my brother. The hardest part was coming home. It was terrible, I got off the plane in Baltimore at 12pm, went to work from 2pm-9pm, then worked the next morning. Ouch. On top of the physical toll, I missed my family so much after leaving them. Colorado was beautiful! It was so hard to come home after such a greaty-great trip.

This is me and my momma. Its craaazy how much we look alike in this pic. Since the trip, Chris and I had a great Thanksgiving, and I made the whole meal myself. Success! And for the post-thanksgiving shopping, this afternoon we went out and got a few seasons of TV shows for super cheap. Now its time to watch some with my Chris!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Boy Hats

Today I put down the big project and started working on a few hats that my mom asked for ages ago. She knows a few families in her church who have baby boys, and she wanted a few hats for baby shower gifts. Hats seem so easy now in comparison to "the big project", much easier for sure. I just realized in the past couple days how many requests I have to fill, and how many presents for Christmas I have to make, I have a sinking feeling that not all of it will get done. I supposed I should just be glad I never got around to setting up and shop, or else I would be in big trouble, having to fill orders too.

I like the ways these turned out, although I think one of them looks a little John Deere or Packers or something. I was trying to make some that weren't all blue, just to rebel against the cliche . I feel a little out of touch with masculine baby things, and I wish there was a male equivalent to the crocheted flower detail. In other news, I got into UMBC today! Yay! I am both relieved and terrified. I am glad that things are going well, and I have been approved for instate tuition, but I am afraid that trying to remember/relearn all the chemistry and biology and math will be killer. I can only do my best. I want to try to get into the Dental Hygiene program at the University of Maryland medical campus in downtown Baltimore, but first I have to finish the prerequisites.  

I worked with a dentist in Honduras this year and it really inspired me to get back to school. Chris and I went out to dinner at a Mexican restaurant to celebrate. I feel like everything is happening all at once. I made it to the Rally to Restore Sanity, made it out to vote, got into school, next week I am going to visit my parents and my brother's family. Good thing I made it to the rally so I could stock pile some sanity to last me a while. Actually, although the message of the rally was sanity, and everyone behaved very politely and courteously, the crowd was so huge, and filled with people in costumes (maybe due to the event's proximity to Halloween, maybe just people getting into the spirit of comedy), the whole thing wasn't the really relaxing or sane. I am glad we went though, it was so worth it!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

I AM crocheting...but

So I have nothing to show today. I AM crocheting, but the project I picked out is a big one. I am, maybe, a fifth of the way done with it. I do like a big reveal blog post, so I am not even going to hint about it. However, I can't sleep tonight either, and I feel like writing a little bit. Today was a day off work. Every day off, I think I am going to do so much, or have a big adventure...but end up wondering where the day went. How did I waste so much time and do so little? I keep dreaming about going to the renaissance festival or finally finding myself a furry companion (kitty). I actually did go to pet smart today to see if they had any adoptions available, but they only had a few that were older cats. I know abandoned cats need a good home too, but baby kittens are pretty much the best thing in the world. I should probably get on it with going to the ren fest though, I think next weekend is my last chance for the year.

I had so much fun last year that I sewed my own costume. I really like the top pieces, but I think maybe I chose the wrong material for the skirt. Maybe if I ever get more into the ren fest thing I will re-do it. But for now I just need to get my ass over there so that making the whole costume wasn't a waste of time. Instead of my very interesting options for today's activities, I went to Walmart with Mr. Chris, aka my man, aka the best around, aka the best thing since baby kittens. Not that Chris is anything like a baby kitten, in that case I don't think it would work out... Anyway, we drove up to the Super Walmart outside of town, which is inconveniently far away, but conveniently cheap. Besides stocking up on groceries, Chris and I both got a present for ourselves. I got what I have been waiting for! CANISTERS!!

I realize this is not that exciting, but I have been keeping my flour and sugar in their original packaging, which makes a mess every time you need to use some. I was also completely unwilling to spend $30 on ceramic or stainless steel ones, so I am pretty thrilled with my purchase...or, I suppose Chris's purchase since he picked up the tap on that one. I bought him Taco Bell though, so were even maybe... He got himself a weight lifting set...which...I hate already. It's probably my fault I hate it, it weighed 100 pounds in the box, and I was all "Oh we can just carry it together" when he wanted to just take it apart in the car and carry it up in pieces. We made it to the end of the ally before I couldn't take it anymore and started getting needlessly upset. Poor Chris had to carry it the rest of the way down the street and up the stairs. I also have fears of tripping over the weights in the dark...fear and loathing... But it's not for me, and Chris was really excited to have it, and I want him to have nice things. We also got a bookshelf, which I think was way overdue, because his excess books were piling up on the floor, and I haven't even unpacked my two boxes of books from the move. BTW does anyone have any suggestions on good TV shows to watch that are available via netflix instant stream? I actually got through all seven seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and am really sad that it is over. I used to watch it while crocheting, and I kind of linked those two activities in my mind, so crocheting without Buffy feels a little empty...I could start over on season one! Anyway, any suggestions?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


This is the first Christmas present I have made this year, and it is something, I think, that is specific enough to Cory's tastes that he can't be disappointed. The only disappointment I will allow him is that he cannot have this immediately. It took long enough to make. I started this some time ago; it was the project that required all the little black triangles that I showed a couple posts ago. TA DA!

I bought this pattern online from Needle Noodles. The designer was a vendor at Pile Of Craft this year, and had one for sale. Unfortunately I didn't realize what it was until someone else decided to buy it. So I made my own. It is a D20 for dungeons and dragons. I have played once, so I am not an expert. But I think Cory will like this. Days have gone by since my last post, and I so far I haven't any ideas for my next project. I have been a little busy, I had my friend Marina over the other night to make cookies, so I cleaned my living room/work space a bit.

It's weird how much cleaner a space looks when there is less stuff in it. It kinda makes me never want to go furniture shopping again. I finally found out today that I got the day off work for October 30! I hope you know what that means...I am going to the Rally to Restore Sanity in Washington D.C.! I am so lucky I live so close!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Back from Virginia

Just got back last night from Virginia visiting my sister. Over all the trip was really good, all though, I have to admit it was a bit exhausting. Bailey just turned 7 months old, and is VERY active. If I set her down in her play area, she would be crawling out the door within 10 seconds. Lucky for me that I have infallible 6 am...not. Fortunately, I never let her get too far, and nothing bad happened...except exhaustion. I'll have to keep this in mind next time I wish I had a baby.

She is still super cute though.  Other than playing with Bailey and watching children's television, Joy and I worked on a blanket for Greyson, our new nephew. It was hard finding the right fabric. It's so hard looking material for boys when there are so many cute options for girls. Especially, I think, because most boy fabrics are taste specific. What I mean is, the patterns on masculine fabrics are usually dinosaurs, robots, superheros, monkeys, sports, etc. It makes you wonder what the boy actually likes, like "what if he doesn't like sports or superheros?" With girl patterns, it seems to me that picking a pretty floral or paisley pattern is less taste specific. Maybe I am thinking too much. Or maybe, because I am a girl, I am more aware of what is attractive to girls than very young boys, thus my hesitations. ANYWAY it turned out really cute, and we did end up choosing a superman fabric.

G is for Greyson. And for Gross Domestic Product- which does not include the value of women's work. Some of which was expended on the making of this blanket. (Does working outside the market economy with no means of exchange make me a communist? Heavens!)

Oh well. Considering Greyson just barely over a week old, I think I can safely assume he has yet to form a solid opinion on superman. I also did a little crocheting while Bailey was napping; made a sweet little hat for Greyson, and then made Bailey model it for me. As you can see she is thrilled.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Greyson!

I am so happy to announce that my brother and my sister-in-law had their baby boy Greyson this morning! I am so excited to crochet some things for him! I haven't tried making a baby blanket yet, I am a little intimidated by the size of a blanket. At least with hats, they are small enough to finish within a couple days. They don't just sit there staring at you with those sad "unfinished project" looking eyes. If hats had eyes...which I hope they never do...because that would be creepy. Speaking of finishing hats...

These two I finished today. These I made for my sister-in-law to give as gifts for a friend's daughters. Making these reminded me a lot of when Joy and I would get semi-matching things when we were little. The pink one is the unfinished one from my last post. I am very happy with the way these turned out, but I am a bit frustrated that you can tell they are significantly different. I suppose it would be called normal variation expected from handmade products. The purple ear flaps look way shorter to me. I suppose that is what I get for not writing down a pattern to work from.

Here is the baby boy! Isn't he just perfect? I am so happy for them, I just wish I could be there to see him. I'll have to plan a trip soon. I am hoping to go this fall, because when spring semester hits I might be back in school. Speaking of which, I was disappointed today to find out that the school I am applying to changed their application, and it no longer has a box for an admissions essay. Boo! I thought my essay was really good and would have given my application a little extra oomph. Also, according to FAFSA, I am still a dependent, and I don't really see any way around that. So, my application process is all disappointment, and I am wondering if I should just wait until I am not a dependent anymore to go back to school. I dunno. I had fun today though. Myc'Keeta and I went to the mall today, it seems like so long since I have gone shopping with a girl friend. I had such a great time just hanging out!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Crochet Slacker

Its been a couple days and I feel like I have been all over the place, getting things done. As far as crocheting, however, I have just been starting projects and not finishing them. Booooooo.

These are my works in progress. One is a partial hat, and the other is a surprise involving black triangles. I am feeling quite conflicted. On one hand, it is nice when presents are a surprise. On the other, I love sharing my projects on here. I think what will happen is that I will share the projects on here and if the person who is receiving the gift is loyal enough to me to read my blog, they will be rewarded by getting a sneak peak at their gift. I suppose I should open this up for debate then. If any family member is completely determined that their gift should be a surprise, let me know and I will not blog about it. I don't know. Can't I give my cake and blog about it too?

I made apple crisp the other night, which was delicious and I haven't had it in ages. Instead of crafting I have been baking a bit more, now that I have the basic flour and sugar stuff. Unfortunately, Chris doesn't really like desserts and baked goods so I have to eat this all by myself :-) I think will have some right now with vanilla ice cream, because I need more dessert on top of my dessert. Besides baking, I have been applying to UMBC. I want to get back to school and get a degree as a dental hygienist. On my sister's blog she posted her application essay and I thought it was cool. What do you think of mine?

In middle school, I was captivated by my English teacher’s stories from her time serving in the Peace Corps in the Czech Republic. Ever since, international aid has been a great interest of mine. This summer, July 2010, I experience it first hand when I joined a medical brigade in Honduras for a week. Our team was formed of both doctors and regular volunteers. Having no real medical experience beyond nursing assistant training, I worked in the dental area teaching children how to brush their teeth. It was an amazing experience, and at the same time it was heartbreaking. There was so much joy in working with the people of Honduras. They were so happy to see us and welcomed us with open arms. The hard part was looking past the smiles, and seeing all of the serious dental conditions these people were suffering from. So many people came to me pointing at back molars that were completely decayed. I had to rely on a translator to explain to them that I wasn’t a dentist and I couldn't pull their tooth, and that there was nothing I could do. I didn’t know cleaning teeth could be so emotionally difficult. I was upset that I couldn’t do more to help them. Upon returning, I immediately started looking for schools to study at to become a dental hygienist. The people in Honduras have such terrible dental conditions because they were never taught preventative care. I want to study to become a dental hygienist so that I can help people in America, and especially where it is needed the most, in third world countries. After graduating from UMBC and the University of Maryland Dental School, I hope to one day join the Peace Corps and be involved in other medical volunteer programs.  

I am pretty nervous about going back to school, and I super hate the application process, especially the prospects of trying to prove residency and financial independence. I have just been hanging out on the couch today. I am watching a neighbor's cats, one of which requires an insulin shot every 12 hours. I had two days off in a row, today and tomorrow, but can't really go anywhere, like to my sister's. It is nice to have some down time. Chris and I did go out tonight to see the movie Scott Pilgrim vs. The World which was AMAZING. I would describe myself as a giggly mess the whole movie. It made me so happy most of the movie my mouth was hanging in an open smile and I kept tapping Chris's shoulder as if that would ensure that he caught the jokes. Every once in a while I would start bouncing in the theater seat due to excess enthusiasm. It was that good. I was a giggle mess. And I am so glad that I didn't miss it, because I don't think it will be in theaters much longer.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Beer and Breakfast

Yesterday was my day off and I finished Combination Summer Hat round 2! This time I used the correct size hooks and knitting needles and SURPRISE, it turned out awesome.

You don't have to wear your hair tucked in it, but for working in a deli, this could definitely replace a plain old hair net. And making this myself gives me limitless color options for my daily work attire. However, this one is not for me, this is for my good friend Myc'Keeta. She offered me a block of cheese and in exchange I am making her a hat that is purple. This is true. 

While I was trying to get a good picture of the hat, Chris came over to help take the picture and we took a few of us. We don't have many, and when we do take some, they usually don't turn out right. I think one can tell from looking at these, regardless of the quality, the subjects seem to be enjoying themselves. Kinda reminds me of pictures you take in a booth.

Chris had to go to bed because he had to get up early today to teach the undergrads. I, however, decided not to waste my day off and stayed up super late drinking a few beers, crocheting, and watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer. For some reason, around 1am I wanted an egg and cheese sandwich and had my beer and breakfast! Wow, I think this reminds me a little of the olden days in North Dakota when after a night of partying we would go out to get breakfast foods at the 24 hour restaurants: I29, Jeanie's, and more recently Denny's. Alas! I miss y'all...and I miss coercing the waitress to take my order for chocolate chip pancakes even though it isn't on the menu...

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Bubble Hat and COokiEs!

Today was my day off work! I feel like I got so much done. I sent out the hat I made for Joy, and some superhero posters I got at Baltimore Comic Con for my friend Cory. Christopher and I went out for lunch at a place called El Salto that we had never been to. It was really great food, and we were glad to finally find a Mexican restaurant in Baltimore. After that, we made our way over to Jo-Ann fabrics (my favorite place to shop) to pick up some supplies for my next project. I also made sure to pick up the correct size needles to re-do that hat that I messed up last week. It was a nice day off! Even got to work on some crocheting.

I am not sure how I feel about this one. This hat uses the popcorn stitch. I have used this stitch before on a hat, making the entire hat bubbly. I thought it was too much, so I made this one with just a few popcorn stitches here and there. Not sure about It's a good color. Other than finishing this hat, I got some baking done tonight. I have been wanting to use my new electric mixer for a while, and finally bought all the ingredients for cookies.

I just used the recipe on the back of the chocolate chips. It should have been easy, but I had a hard time with these. Each pan of cookies turned out different. I have an oven thermometer now, so I kept adjusting the temperature because one pan of cookies was too dark and the next was too light. The ones that turned out the best started cooking at 300 degrees and finished at 425! I definitely need to figure out just how to set this oven so the temperature matches the dial! None burnt, so this project was not a total failure at least. Also, I watched the premiere of the movie Browncoats: Redemption! This is a fan film, based on the TV series Firefly. If you loved the show, you'll love this, and wish you could have been in it, and are wondering why you didn't to talk to them longer when you met them at Baltimore Comic Con, and want to re-watch the Firefly series and least that's how I am feeling...

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Birthday Hat!

My sister's birthday was yesterday, and I have been working on a hat for a present. It has been taking a bit longer than I expected. I don't have it down yet exactly how much to increase the stitches for an adult size hat, so I have been taking out mistakes and restarting over and over. Finished result: not too shabby.

The hat matching my shirt is a total coincidence. I think its cute, but I think I might have gone overboard with the stripe plus the braids plus the flower. Like there is way too much going on. But blue was her favorite color growing up, so I hope she likes it. I love this color blue too. It was one of those yarns that I bought with no plans to use it for anything, but I had to get it because the color was so great. Plus, the yarn is made from 100% recycled plastic bottles, so this hat is...mostly earth friendly (the purple and light blue are just normal yarns). I am thinking about trying to make more of the yarn I use the eco brand, but right now its about finding the right color. 

Beyond finishing this, today has been weird. I got up at 7 am today, my day off, to go to the local DMV to finally update my drivers license. I am glad I got there early because there was a line a half an hour BEFORE they opened. Got out of there by 9, and got a call from a manager at work, asking me to come in until 2. I worked, and the rest of the afternoon was OK, I got some chores done. There is nothing like waking up early and going to work to make a day off work feel... like not a day off. Also, I am stuck on a new song. Well, not new, old really, but I have never been crazy about it before. This happens to me a lot. I totally fall in love with one song, and sing it all the time, and look up the video on YouTube several times a day. Today, and probably for the rest of the week it is Mr. Big - To Be With You. LOVE IT!!

Friday, August 27, 2010


So...I have been working on a hat for 3 days. And...for some reason I didn't use the correct gauge hook and knitting needle...because for some reason I thought it wouldn't make a difference. Always follow hook size instructions! What was supposed to be a tam turned out like a beanie. I found the pattern online for free from The Strange Knitter. Great pattern, bad crocheter (me). Boooo!

It actually looks kind of cute...but the top is a bit tighter than the band...I don't know. Should I or should I not unravel it? It did take quite a while. I feel like I haven't been very productive in the past few days. I did, however, get around to dropping off the pillowcases for ConKerr Cancer at Bears Paw Fabrics up in Towson. It was neat checking out a new fabric store, but its main focus was quilting, which I know very little about. 

This hat is an addition to the long line of hats that I have attempted in an adult size that has failed. I think I will take  it out. Last thing I need is another hat that doesn't fit, and this color purple is too pretty to waste. I want to retry. I work in a deli where we wear baseball hats or hairnets. I think it would be cool if I could make my own hats for work this winter!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Pillowcases/Jayne Hat

Howdy! Are you excited to see how my pillowcases turned out? Pretty darn cute I think!

So the only thing left to do is to send them out! Either that, or I will bring them to a local fabric store that is listed on the website as a drop off location. That seems to be less direct than sending them to the coordinator, but it would be a good excuse to check out a fabric store I have never been to! As far as yarn projects, I finished an old project tonight I had set aside a few months ago. 

 This is actually knitted, not crocheted. It is a replica of the hat Jayne Cobb received from his mom on the TV show Firefly. This is my second attempt at this hat, my first was for my friend Cory, who is a fan of the show. This one is for me. I really wanted to finish it because this weekend is Baltimore Comic-con! I am not sure if I am going, but if I do, I want to wear my Jayne hat, just to see if anyone recognizes it. I was surprise, after getting so used to crocheting, knitting was HARD. I had to look up an instruction video just to remember how to make the basic stitches! Oh well, I'll get back to crocheting tomorrow. I have an idea for a new baby hat...

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Craft Hope/Christmas Hat

This is something I have been wanting to do for a while. Craft Hope is an online organization that collects handmade goods for charity. Every few months they have a new project and this month is pillowcases for ConKerr Cancer. ConKerr Cancer is a volunteer group that makes fun, colorful pillowcases for sick children in the hospital. This is the first project I have tried with Craft hope and I am pretty excited!

These are the fabrics I picked out, enough for one boy pillowcase and one girl. I worked on this project a lot today, but I am not quite finished. I will have pictures of the finished products next post for sure. I am still getting moved into my new apartment, so I had to unpack my sewing machine and get my crafting area set up. 

Yes, that is an M&M alarm clock, which I found while unpacking! Hopefully it will help me keep track of the time when I am getting too involved in a project to remember to eat dinner! I also have a boom box, and had to check out the Baltimore radio stations today. After trying Christian Rock, Spanish music, and Heavy Metal, I found a Light Rock station, which was playing flashback to the 70's. I think I need to keep looking for the right station, but today it was the 70's. 

So Christmas is not for a while, and I am not one of those people who has their Christmas shopping done by September, but this is one idea I just had to try! Last year I spent WAY too much on gifts, and now with my new skills, I plan on making the gifts I give a little more personal, and a little more crocheted. I thought this design would be perfect for pictures of Bailey's first Christmas! Bear with me here, I am not a mom, nor do I have access to models or mannequins. I do, however, have my very own German collector doll, which I found at a thrift store. I call her Cordelia. She models my hats so that I have some idea if they would fit a child size head.

No, she does not have any clothes on. The dress that she came with is slightly horrendous and frilly. Perhaps that will be one of my future projects, a dress for Cordelia. Someday. Anyway, I think it turned out pretty great for my first attempt at a Santa hat! Maybe I will make one for me this year. Merry Christmas!

Friday, August 20, 2010

First Post!

Welcome to Kajsa's Crochet! I am a crafter living in Baltimore, MD. I focus mainly on sewing and crochet, but I tend to skip around. I love to make things that serve a purpose, and starting new projects that I have never tried before. This blog is about what I am currently working on, my life in Baltimore, and whatever else I am thinking about!

This is me in my new apartment. Just moved in this month and am loving the extra space to work on projects, and the bigger kitchen to bake things. I made my first banana bread  in years the other day, but I think my oven doesn't get hot enough. It took an hour and a half to get an oven thermometer would be a good investment.

I started crocheting when my sister, Joy, had her baby girl Bailey. She was looking at some crocheted hats on etsy, when my mom, Betty, said they looked like something I could do. I had never done ANY crocheting until about 6 months ago, but am so glad I did! I love the possibilities. Though I have been involved in crafts and art my whole life, I am still new at this. I have a lot more to learn, and I am excited to see what I can come up with. I should have a lot of projects coming up, especially with Christmas coming and a new nephew on the way!