Howdy! Are you excited to see how my pillowcases turned out? Pretty darn cute I think!
So the only thing left to do is to send them out! Either that, or I will bring them to a local fabric store that is listed on the website as a drop off location. That seems to be less direct than sending them to the coordinator, but it would be a good excuse to check out a fabric store I have never been to! As far as yarn projects, I finished an old project tonight I had set aside a few months ago.
This is actually knitted, not crocheted. It is a replica of the hat Jayne Cobb received from his mom on the TV show Firefly. This is my second attempt at this hat, my first was for my friend Cory, who is a fan of the show. This one is for me. I really wanted to finish it because this weekend is Baltimore Comic-con! I am not sure if I am going, but if I do, I want to wear my Jayne hat, just to see if anyone recognizes it. I was surprise, after getting so used to crocheting, knitting was HARD. I had to look up an instruction video just to remember how to make the basic stitches! Oh well, I'll get back to crocheting tomorrow. I have an idea for a new baby hat...
I love my copy of the hat. I plan to wear it all winter, though it will clash with my Ravenclaw scarf. Such is the price of vanity.