Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter with Will

No, I didn't make a new friend, I have been watching "Wild Wild West" this evening, starring one William Smith. I never saw it when it came out...didn't actually want to see it now, but it was sitting in my Netflix instant queue for months and I gave into watching it just so I wouldn't feel guilty removing it without. I wish I liked the movie. It is a weird feeling; its the same way I felt about "The Last Airbender" movie. I wanted sooooooo bad for it to be good. I wanted to like it. I like "Avatar: the Last Airbender" cartoon, I wanted the movie to be awesome...but both it and "Wild Wild West" were consumed with such undeniable suckiness. This is me ^^^ up above this fine evening. No makeup! I wanted to post about my recent creations, including the hat in the picture, but I wasn't about to get all gussied at 1am. So I guess you get what you see. MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Exactly as I am right now. There really isn't anything to the hat. I just wanted a slouchy, beret/tam hat. It was an extremely easy pattern on Ravelry; just made it to put my hair in sometimes. Not all the time though...that would be ridiculous.

This is actually something I am quite proud of. I think it turned out amazing. First time for me making a hat with a brim and/or strap. Pattern here, for those with Ravelry accounts. I also choose to make it in with Lily's Sugar and Cream 100% cotton yarn, because, here in Baltimore at least (sorry you folks in the north country) it is almost summer and I wanted the baby boy to be able to wear his present with out getting over heated. The brim will keep the sun out of his eyes, the hat will keep his head from getting sunburned, the cotton will keep him cool... I put alot of thought into it. But I feel like you have to when it comes to baby stuff...if you look at baby head circumferences they grow from about 13 inches to 18 inches in the first year. So if I just willy-nilly make hats (I know from experience), the baby will out grow the hat before the right season to wear it comes around. I actually don't know who this hat is going to, it was for a co-worker's friend. I wish I did though so I could see it in action. Cordillia just doesn't do it justice the way a living, male baby could.

Now I am working on a full size blanket with some cuddly Lion Brand Homespun I got for Christmas. It will take a few more skeins than what I got as a gift...about 12 total. I can tell already it is going to be really cozy. 

I think I might want to add in some blue is a little too...purple and green.

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