Thursday, September 9, 2010

Beer and Breakfast

Yesterday was my day off and I finished Combination Summer Hat round 2! This time I used the correct size hooks and knitting needles and SURPRISE, it turned out awesome.

You don't have to wear your hair tucked in it, but for working in a deli, this could definitely replace a plain old hair net. And making this myself gives me limitless color options for my daily work attire. However, this one is not for me, this is for my good friend Myc'Keeta. She offered me a block of cheese and in exchange I am making her a hat that is purple. This is true. 

While I was trying to get a good picture of the hat, Chris came over to help take the picture and we took a few of us. We don't have many, and when we do take some, they usually don't turn out right. I think one can tell from looking at these, regardless of the quality, the subjects seem to be enjoying themselves. Kinda reminds me of pictures you take in a booth.

Chris had to go to bed because he had to get up early today to teach the undergrads. I, however, decided not to waste my day off and stayed up super late drinking a few beers, crocheting, and watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer. For some reason, around 1am I wanted an egg and cheese sandwich and had my beer and breakfast! Wow, I think this reminds me a little of the olden days in North Dakota when after a night of partying we would go out to get breakfast foods at the 24 hour restaurants: I29, Jeanie's, and more recently Denny's. Alas! I miss y'all...and I miss coercing the waitress to take my order for chocolate chip pancakes even though it isn't on the menu...

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